Mining Planning

The supply of mineral resources and environmental protection activities are often seen as opposing and irreconcilable, but in fact they represent two essential needs for modern societies. The earth resources, as non-renewable, must be exploited in an efficient manner, using tools that ensure the environmental, social and economic sustainability of minerals extraction.
SERENGEO provides advice to Public Administrations for the proper planning and management of mining activities, proposing new approaches and innovative tools to support decision-making processes.
Achieving excellent results is guaranteed by the skills acquired during over 30 years of applied research activities supporting public bodies, by the expert use of open source GIS software and Geo-database, by the development of tools to support the planning process and by continuous innovation.

Target customers

The service is aimed at public bodies responsible for the development, the administration and the control of mineral resources and mining and quarrying.


  • 2011 – ARPA Puglia. Feasibility study. Identification of reclamation solutions of areas degraded by mining activities recurring to public – private partnership (PPP) funding models.
  • 2008 – Environmental Reclamation Plan of a quarrying area. Marcellina (RM)
  • 2007 – Environmental Reclamation Plan, Montecorvino Pugliano (SA)
  • 2000 – Regional Extractive Industry Plan. Marche Region


  • Cormio, C. (2012) “Procedure e strumenti innovativi per lo sfruttamento sostenibile delle risorse minerarie”. PhD Thesis, Tutor: Prof. Eng. Paolo Berry,
  • Berry, P., Cormio, C. (2012) “Gli effetti ambientali e paesaggistici delle cave e la riqualificazione del sito estrattivo”.Alta Scuola. Ciclo di conferenze 2012, SAIE 2012, 19/10/2012
  • Berry, P., Cormio, C.(2012) “Metodi di coltivazione efficienti, a basso impatto ambientale ed elevata sicurezza” Alta Scuola. Ciclo di conferenze 2012, SAIE 2012, 19/10/2012

More publications

  • Berry P., Bandini A., Dacquino C. (2011)” Classificazione dei siti minerari sotterranei abbandonati mediante un indice di rischio statico strutturale” Recupero e Valorizzazione delle miniere dismesse: lo stato dell’arte in Italia. ISPRA, Quaderni, Ambiente e società n. 3/2011, p. 31-43, Roma: ISPRA – Settore Editoria, ISBN: 978-88-448-0478-7.
  • Bandini A., Berry P., Dacquino C. (2009) “Implementation of a database for risk assessment of abandoned Italian mining sites” Proceedings SWEMP2009. Banff (AL, Canada) 16-18 November 2009. Irvine: The Reading Matrix Inc., p. 494-502, ISBN/ISSN: 978-0-9784416-0-9.
  • Ballestrazzi, P., Berry, P., Fabbri, S. (1999) “Pianificazione, Progettazione e Gestione delle Attività Estrattive”. Guida all’industria estrattiva ed al riciclaggio. Ed. PEI