Critical analysis of an underground gypsum quarry expansion project

Client: Saint-Gobain PPC Italia SpA
Location: Calliano (Italy)
Date: 2013

R&D program finalized to examine in depth the Mining Engineering technical-scientific aspects related to gypsum production from “La Pietra” underground quarry.

Underground mining area location overlapped to satellite image (Google maps). Mining site topography (contour lines and DEM), current (grey) and future (red) planimetry of the mining level.

Project Goals

  • Critical analysis of mine expansion project, with a specific focus on pillars’ geometry, distribution and size;
  • Mine’s ventilation project review and underground micro-climatic conditions analysis;
  • Critical review of gypsum deposit characterization studies and ore quality analysis;
  • Technical feasibility study of multiple levels mining.

Activities performed

  1. Overview of the knowledge about mining site and gypsum deposit;
  2. Analysis of the technical reports (mining project and surveys);
  3. Geostatistical modelling of the deposit;
  4. Underground mine ventilation design;
  5. Qualitative analysis of the deposit;
  6. Room and pillars mining project review.

Spatial interpolation of geological survey data. Deposit top and bottom layer, piezometric surface

3D geological block model

Mine production phases considered for ventilation circuit analysis