Economic assessment of estates interested by quarrying activity

Client: Augelli Cave Srl
Location: Poggio Imperiale and Apricena (Italy)
Date: 2016-17

The activity concerns the economic assessment of private properties (parcels, plants, buildings) used for ornamental stones quarrying and processing.

Project Goals

  • Economic assessment of the estates and other properties used for quarrying activity, owned by the Client

Activities performed

  1. Overview of the area geology and of the orebody characteristics;
  2. Analysis of the technical documentation;
  3. Definition of an estimate criterion and assessment parameters;
  4. In situ survey to ascertain the real status including a photographic survey of the investigated area;
  5. Creation of a geodatabase for an efficient analysis and processing of map (cadastral maps, orthophotos, geology, thematic maps, etc.) and tabular (ownership, current use, extension, etc.) data;
  6. Economic assessment of the estate and other properties.