Assessment of the performance of ornamental stone slabs reinforced with glass wool layers
Client: Casone spa
Location: Firenzuola (Firenze), Italy
Data: 2012

Raised floor system
The study was aimed at evaluating the reliability of composite panels composed of sandstone slabs of different thickness reinforced with a glass wool layer, for interior and exterior raised floor.
Project goals
- Determination of the strength of composite panels composed of sandstone slabs reinforced with glass wool;
- Evaluation of the reliability of the reinforced panels for interior / exterior raised floor.
Innovative aspects
Design of specific laboratory tests to assess the strength of ornamental stone slabs reinforced with glass wool.
Performed activities
- Analysis of the reference standards for raised floor characterization;
- Design of specific laboratory tests to assess the strength of ornamental stone slabs reinforced with glass wool for raised floor;
- Determination of the pedestal load bearing capacity with varying the screwing degree of the threads;
- Determination of the concentrated load strength of the reinforced sandstone slabs with different thickness and size;
- Determination of the strength of the reinforced sandstone slabs to freezing cycles (UNI EN 12371, Figure 3) and thermal shock (UNI EN 14066);
- Interpretation of the results of the mechanical characterization;
- Proposal for amendment of the raised floor system components.

Concentrated load resistance test on sandstone slabs reinforced with glass wool

Reinforced sandstone slab sample after freezing tests